Common Sense Is Not Common

I know I'm not the only one to iterate the sentiments for the lack of use of common sense. You could be book smart or street smart doesn't mean you're smart about everything you do. We've all have had our dumb moments, made stupid choices and the consequences of those actions have enlightened us. Unfortunately for some it hasn't. 

Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is insane, it's not common sense. Individuals who don't mind continuously hitting their head on the same wall must enjoy the effects of a concussion, figuratively speaking. It has to be a headache when you continue to ask yourself what you're doing wrong when you know what's right but you simply don't do it because it's  unpleasant.

As humans we're always chasing pleasure afraid our time will run out, so we have to receive as much of it as possible. We can't put our beers down, our fried food up, our sweets on hold or our genitalia in our pants. Those things aren't going anywhere, but in our mind they are vital. It's purely due to the failure of being disciplined. It's painful to sacrifice and give up things that bring you enjoyment. However, we're missing the bigger picture.

If we just use our common sense to give up the things we like we can actually achieve the goals we would love. Do you really hear me though? All the little things that bring us that temporary happiness are the same things that bring us sadness and depression. Inability to lose weight, uncomfortableness in your favorite pair of jeans and worse long-term health issues. Time and time again we continue to overlook the consequences. We do the same thing hoping for another result when it'll never happen. It's common sense, think about it.